Dev Katta, who shot to fame with his film Prasthanam, denied the rumors about the movie 'Auto Nagar Surya' starring Naga Chaitanya today. Rumors are doing rounds that Naga Chaitanya’s next film 'Auto Nagar Surya' was stalled due to the failure of his recent film 'Dhada' at the box-office.
Dev Katta also said that the film will kick-off from October 6, which happens to be Dasara. The film is based on the true incidents that happened in Vijayawada’s Auto Nagar area.
Samantha is paired opposite Naga Chaitanya in the film for the second time after 'Ye Maya Chesave'.
RR Movie Makers will present the film, while Atchi Reddy is producing the film under Max India Entertainments.