Naga Chaitanya who recently tasted a dud in the form of 'Dhada' is not looking down as he is working hard to deliver a big hit with his next film. He is currently doing Auto Nagar Surya with 'Dev Katta' and 'Bezawada' with Ram Gopal Varma. Bezawada is likely to hit the screens for Diwali.
Now, the buzz is Chaitu signed a bi-lingual film with director Radha Mohan who earlier directed 'Gaganam' with Nagarjuna. The film will be made both in Telugu and Tamil.
This movie will be the debut film of Chaitu in Kollywood. Radha Mohan who is popular for making films with emotional content is coming up with a fresh subject is the latest news that is doing the rounds.
Watch this space for more details.