Tollywood’s popular producer Burugupalli Siva Rama Krishna is elected as the new President of Telugu Film Producers Council (TPFC). He was preceded by M Shyam Prasad Reddy. Sravanthi Ravi Kishore and CV Reddy elected as the new Vice-Presidents while, Prasanna Kumar and KV Rao elected as the new Secretaries.
Shekhar Babu is the new Treasurer and P Keshava Rao and Mohan Vadapatla are the new Joint Secretaries. Also, fifteen members were elected as the new members of the executive committee.
Speaking on the occasion Burugupalli told that, he can be approached by any producer for any issue and he assured that he will solve the pending issues and disputes involved in film production.
Burugupalli Siva Rama Krishna is currently producing a movie starring Ravi Teja under the direction of Souryam Shiva.