King Nagarjuna’s prestigious periodical film 'Rajanna' is all set to hit the screens on September 30. The shooting of the film is almost complete and is in post-production stage. Nagarjuna himself is producing the movie under Annapurna Studios banner. The scenes which involve Nagarjuna in the film are picturised by star director SS Rajamouli.
The film is based on Telangana’s Razakar movement. Yeni, an eight year old baby is playing an important role in the movie. The first look of the movie is released yesterday on the occasion of Nagarjuna’s birthday.
The audio of the film is likely to release in the second week of September in a grand gala function. Popular writer Vijayendra Prasad is making his debut as the director with Rajanna. MM Keeravani composed the music for the film.