Taraka Ratna who is yet to score a hit has signed a new film titled 'Nandiswarudu'. The film was launched on August 25 in Ramanaidu Studios. Earlier, the title is considered for Bala Krishna’s film under the direction of B Gopal. Later, the film’s title got changed to 'Hara Hara Maha Deva'.
Anji Srinu is directing this film under SRB Art Productions banner. Segu Ramesh Babu is producing this movie. The dialogues are written by Paruchuri brothers. The makers are taking utmost care and this film is very prestigious to Taraka Ratna as he is the only hero due for a hit in Nandamuri clan. Recently, Taraka Ratna has won a Nandi award in best villain category for Amaravathi. Taraka Ratna is also doing a film title 'Prajapathi' which is going to release soon.