Now the trend has caught up so fast that people are replacing CD players with mobile phones. Keeping this in view, Aditya Music has launched the first All in One Entertainment Card for Sri Rama Rajyam on Wednesday in a function held at Hotel Novotel, Hyderabad. The 2GB Micro-SD card consists of MP3 songs, videos, wall papers and ringtones of Sri Rama Rajyam.
The event was graced by Nandamuri Bala Krishna and Srikanth who play Lord Rama and Lakshmana in the film respectively. Bala Krishna told that the songs of the movie has become very popular among audience and the music awakens the devotional feel in everyone. Srikanth thanked the makers for his role and told that he will never forget this experience in his lifetime.
Jonnavithula, Revanth (Yalamanchili Saibaba’s son), Umesh Gupta were among the others present at the event.