According to our sources, the most expected multi-starrer featuring Victory Venkatesh and Superstar Mahesh Babu will be launched on November 17. Srikanth Addala who earlier directed Kotha Bangaru Lokam is directing this prestigious project. Sensational producer Dil Raju who is famous for making big ticket films is producing this mega project.
Mahesh will join the shoot soon after completing The Business Man and in the meanwhile, the scenes involving Venky will be shot. This film is supposed to have Pawan Kalyan but it is heard that the actor is not excited with the script and hence Mahesh is roped in. The film is tentatively titled Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. The makers are planning to release this film for 2012 summer. Fans of Venky and Mahesh are going berserk to watch these actors together on the big screen. Let’s hope that this film will create a trend for many more multi-starrers.