The grape wine is Superstar Rajinikanth’s next film is all set to hit the screens for Pongal. According to the sources, Superstar’s next release will be Sulthan but not Rana. Sulthan is an animated film produced and directed by Rajini’s younger daughter Soundarya Ashwin. It is heard that the film will also have live action for few minutes.
This is the first Indian movie to have a top actor in an animated film in a full length role. This film will be released in 3D version as well. The makers are using cutting edge technologies to bring the grand rich look to this historical film. The film unit is spending restless days to release this film for Pongal.
Raniji Kanth recently fell ill and treated at the Singapore hospital for respiratory problems. The actor is on full swing now and rearing to go. Rajini is also acting in a film titled Rana under the direction of KS Ravi Kumar.