Nandamuri Balakrishna’s latest devotional film based on Ramayana, Sri Rama Rajyam is slated for Dasara that is on October 6. Bala Krishna is playing the role of Lord Rama while Nayantara plays role of Sita. The audio of the film released recently and received good applause from the listeners as well as from the critics. According to sources, director of this film Bapu is putting his all efforts to make this film a milestone in Tollywood.
Earlier, the film is slated for release on September 16 but as the post production work is taking time it was pushed to October 6. The makers of this film are expecting huge crowds into the theatres as it’s a holiday season. Dialogues of this film are penned by late Mullapudi Venkata Rama. Music is scored by Maestro Ilayaraja.
Veteran actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao is playing Valmiki Maharshi in this film. Sri Rama Rajyam is produced by Yalamanchili Sai Baba under Sri Sai Baba Movies banner.