Naga Chaitanya starrer Auto Nagar Surya will commence its regular shoot from October 6 as per the sources. The film is set in the backdrop of Vijayawada politics. Naga Chaitanya will be seen in a very serious role in this film. Venkat of RR Movie Makers is producing this film under the direction of Dev Katta of Prasthanam fame. Chaitanya’s character in this film is inspired from Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead. Art Director Ravinder errected a huge set in the out skirts of Hyderabad for this film. Anup Rubens who is away from limelight since many days is scoring music for this film. Chaitanya recently injured on the sets of RGV’s Bezawada Rowdeelu and recuperating from surgery.
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- "Autonagar Surya" regular shoot from October 6
"Autonagar Surya" regular shoot from October 6
Added by vidhatha on Aug 20, 2011