Abhimanyu Singh who shot into fame with Ram Gopal Varma’s Raktha Charithra is finalized as the villain in Power star Pawan Kalyan’s Gabbar Singh. Director Harish Shanker is searching for a villain since many days for this remake. Earlier, Harish approached Sonu Sood for the same role but the actor said NO as he finds donning the same role again and again will lead to monotony.
Shruthi Hassan is playing Pawan’s love interest in this film. As all the cast and crew are finalized the film will commence its regular shoot from October. Devi Sri Prasad is the music director. Bandla Ganesh Babu is producing this film on Parameswara Arts banner. This is the second film in Pawan-Ganesh combo. Gabbar Singh is the remake of Salman Khan Starrer Dabangg. Incidentally, their first film is also a remake of Bollywood’s successful film Love Aaj Kal.