Superstar Mahesh Babu’s forthcoming film Dhookudu audio has been launched in a grand gala event with more hype and hoopla. Top celebrtities from Tollywood like SS Rajamouli, Sukumar, Dil Raju, Brahmanandam and heroine of this film Samantha graced the event. Fans from across the state thronged the venue with celebrations. Mahesh looked dashing and attended the event with his wife Namratha. Star director SS Rajamouli released the audio CD and handed over the first copy to Sukumar.
Dhookudu is directed by Sreenu Vaitla under 14Reels Entertainment Pvt Ltd Banner. Anil Sunkara, Achanta Gopinath and Achanta Ram are producing this film and Krishna Productions is presenting it.