Young Tiger Jr NTR who is going like a speeding rocket confirmed another project with Sreenu Vaitla just a day after announcing a project with Puri Jagannadh. Bandla Ganesh will produce this film on Parameshwara Arts Banner. This film is set to roll after NTR-Boyapati’s film. This film is the first film in this combination. NTR told that he is inspired and motivated after hearing to the story line and said that this film will be the best action entertainer in his career. Sreenu Vaitla too expressed his happiness and said that this film will have his trade mark entertainment and action to suit NTR’s mass appeal. Sreenu Vaitla is currently busy with Dhookudu starring Mahesh Babu and NTR is shooting for Oosaravilli under the direction of Surender Reddy.
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- After Puri, it’s Sreenu Vaitla for Jr NTR
After Puri, it’s Sreenu Vaitla for Jr NTR
Added by vidhatha on Aug 19, 2011